Step 2: Making Contact
When you move there are many people you need to contact. Make sure to check with your local Real Estate Professional - he or she may be able to provide referrals through their local connections. Search the National MLS Directory for houses across america.
Here is the essential call list:
Hire a reputable mover or rent a moving truck. Be sure to check with the Better Business Bureau, get estimates, purchase moving insurance and get referrals or references. Two weeks before moving day, contact your telephone, electric, gas, cable/satellite, refuse and water companies to set a specific date when service will be discontinued. Verify this date with your real estate professional as well. Contact utilities in your new town about service start dates, including Internet & long distance telephone services. Notify healthcare professionals (doctors, dentists, veterinarians) of your move and ask for referrals and record transfers. Register children for school and ask for school records to be transferred. Notify lawn service, cleaning and security companies when service should be terminated. Tell clubs, churches and organizations of your move. And if applicable, see if membership fees can be partially refunded. Advise the post office, publications and correspondents of change of address and date of move. Check your homeowner's insurance and make arrangements for new coverage. If you are moving to a new state, see if you will need new car insurance. Pick up items from your dry cleaners. Step 3