India Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00India Telephone Modem Adapter
 Israel (New) Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Israel (New) Telephone Modem Adapter
 Israel (Old) Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Israel (Old) Telephone Modem Adapter
 Italy (New) Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Italy (New) Telephone Modem Adapter
 Italy (Old) Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Italy (Old) Telephone Modem Adapter
 Jordan / Middle East Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Jordan / Middle East Telephone Modem Adapter
 Japan Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Japan Telephone Modem Adapter
 Korea Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Korea Telephone Modem Adapter
 Middle East Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Middle East Telephone Modem Adapter
 Netherlands Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Netherlands Telephone Modem Adapter
 Austria Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Austria Telephone Modem Adapter
 Poland / Russia Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Poland / Russia Telephone Modem Adapter
 China Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00China Telephone Modem Adapter
 South Africa Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00South Africa Telephone Modem Adapter
 Saudi Arabia Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Saudi Arabia Telephone Modem Adapter
 Scandinavia (New) Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Scandinavia (New) Telephone Modem Adapter
 Sweden Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Sweden Telephone Modem Adapter
 Switzerland (New) Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Switzerland (New) Telephone Modem Adapter
 Switzerland (Old) Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Switzerland (Old) Telephone Modem Adapter
 Turkey Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Turkey Telephone Modem Adapter
 United Kingdom Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00United Kingdom Telephone Modem Adapter
 Venezuela / Columbia Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Venezuela / Columbia Telephone Modem Adapter
 Yugoslavia (Old) Telephone Jack Adapter Price: 13.00Yugoslavia (Old) Telephone Modem Adapter
 Set of Non-Grounded Travel Adapters. All Seven Found Worldwide Price: 15.00Set of Non-Grounded Travel Adapters. All Seven Found Worldwide.
 The Complete Set of Travel Adapters. Price: 49.95The Complete Set of Travel Adapters. With this set of travel adapters you will be able to plug into every style of electrical outlet found on the planet Earth. The set includes the world's ten grounded plug styles, and three additional adapters that allow
 Set of Grounded Travel Adapters. All ten found worldwide. Price: 65.00Set of Grounded Travel Adapters. All ten found worldwide.